A.M. Amorim da Costa
(Portugal). Professor catedrático da
Universidade de Coimbra.
Departamento de Química.
Vicente Coelho Seabra (1764-1804) on fire, heat
and light
1 - Introduction
Vicente Coelho Seabra, Professor of chemistry in
the University of Coimbra since 1787 till 1804,
was born in 1764, in Minas Gerais, one of the
most developed states of the Portuguese colony
of Brazil. In 1783, he came to Portugal to study
Natural Philosophy, Mathematics and Medicine at
the newly reformed University of Coimbra. In
1787 he had completed a degree in Philosophy; in
1791, he was granted a degree in Medicine. In
1787, he was appointed demonstrator to the chair
of Chemistry and Metallurgy, and became a member
of the Royal Academy of
of Lisbon. Other appointments followed: two
years later, in 1793, he became Lecturer of
Chemistry and Metallurgy; in 1795,
substitute-Lecturer to the chairs of Botany and
Zoology; and finally, in 1801,
substitute-Professor of Chemistry. He died in
1804 (1).
Seabra had published on
chemistry since his student days. He was
concerned not only with theoretical topics, such
as the interpretation of fermentation or the
role of heat in chemical reactions, but also
with topics of chemistry applied to agriculture
and hygiene and with the natural sciences.
In 1787, the year of his graduation in Natural
Philosophy, he published a
Memoir on Fermentation considered both on general and on its different
and in 1788, he published a
Mémoir on Heat
(3) and the first volume
of a Handbook on chemistry entitled
of Chemistry
(4;5) followed by a second volume, published two
years latter, in 1790.
Seabra never travelled
abroad, but in all these publications, he showed
a deep awareness of the latest scientific
advances, and immediately grasped the importance
of Fourcroy’s and Lavoisier’s work, in
In this year of 2015,
the International Year of Light, here, I will
pay a special attention on Seabra´s ideas on
fire, heat and light, following the content of
Dissertation on Heat and his
de Chimica on the same subject.
2 – The nature and action of heat in Vicente
Seabra´s chemical writings
In his chemical works,
Vicente Seabra subscribes Lavoisier’s pneumatic
theory, claiming specially to be inspired by
Mémoirs and the first edition (1786) of the
d’Histoire Naturelle et de Chimie to ‘‘whose
– he says - I owe most of my chemical
Following the University
Statutes syllabus for the programme of the
lectures on chemistry, Seabra starts his
considerations on the Chemistry matters with a
survey of the history of chemistry, tracing its
origins back to antiquity, then focusing on
alchemy, and finally giving an updated
historical description of 17th and 18th century
chemical knowledge. In this survey, he presents
a qualitative discussion of chemical affinity
and its various kinds, a discussion of the
general principles of bodies (including
phlogiston, fire, light, heat, air and water),
and the main chemical operations (combustion,
calcination, fusion, vitrification,
distillation, dissolution, precipitation, etc.).
It is on the discussion of the general
principles of bodies that Seabra considers in
detail phlogiston, fire, light, heat, air and
water, by considering Stahl, Sage and Demeste´s
theories on combustion, Macquer´s theory on
fire, light and heat and what he calls a first
and a second Lavoisier’s theories, on heat, air,
combustion and calcination, demonstrating that a
portion of pure air combines with
bodies,givingbirth to the so-called “Pneumatic
Theory’’. Acknowledging all these theories,
Seabra defends what he called an
intermediate theory, an attempt at a synthesis between Stahlian and
Lavoisier´s theories, in a reconciliation
proposed by Macquer and supported by Fourcroy:
it is the conclusion of his historical survey;
“in this century we have three main theories
about chemical phenomena, the Stahlian, the
Pneumatic and the Intermediate (...) The great
Macquer, however, argued that there is a
combined light instead of Stahl’s phlogiston and
recognised that there was a combination with
air, instead of a liberation of phlogiston. In
this way he established an intermediate theory
(...) The indefatigable Lavoisier, after
formulating his theory of heat in a Mémoir
delivered at the Parisian Academy of Sciences,
accommodated Macquer’s theory, but giving his
own re-interpretation. He claimed that
phlogiston or matter of heat did not separate
from bodies, as Macquer claimed, but resulted
from the decomposition of the air, which
combines with them. However, we will adopt a
theory slightly different from Lavoisier, and we
will show that Macquer’s theory together with
that of Lavoisier
constitute the true one, and the one we should
follow (6).
In the development of his own theory of heat in
Memoir on
Heat of 17783,Vicente de Seabra
refers to Stahl’s phlogiston as the pure
inflammable principle of the combustible bodies
as a principle rejected by the new Pneumatic
Chemistry on the basis that it had been
impossible to isolate it by analysing its
properties and it had also been impossible to
show that the colours of the bodies do not
depend directly on such a principle and to show
the ways it leaves the bodies. With Macquer, if
one wants to admit phlogiston as a sui
generis inflammable principle, it should be the light in itself, the
true and immediate cause of colours.
and Light
are the same thing, when the combustible bodies
are burnt. Like to what happens in the burning
of sulphur or phosphorous, a luminous fluid is
released, the flame, and with the flame, heat,
the elementary heat of bodies, the elementary
fire, transformed into one of the principles of
combustible bodies. In fact, light is
a sui generis fluid which enters in the composition of all the
bodies, pervading the whole world, the reason
why it is believed to be the true
Anima of
the Universe. Thus,
Fire, Light and
are the same thing, as clearly was admitted by
Macquer in his
Dictionaire de Chymie
Light and Fire, Fire and
Heat, not to mentioned anymore Phlogiston, the
combined light, being the same in nature, it is
in the way they leave the bodies and the way
they affect our senses, that they appear either
as light or as heat, or as light and heat
In particular,
is the feeling of the amount of the elementary
fire of the bodies through our sense of touch
associated to an higher or lower temperature,
caused by differences in the intensity of
friction and compression phenomena to which
the bodies are subjected, which lead to
different modifications and mouvements in the
parts where those phenomena occur.
It is also due to such differences that
the elementary fire and light lay in the bodies
under different forms. Being the same in nature,
in the bodies, light and fire can lay in
different ways with different properties. All
the light existing in the bodies obeys to the
same and general Newton´s attraction law ruled
by the different bodies´ affinities. It is in
the difference of affinity interaction between
light and bodies that we sense different kinds
of light and heat. There is the general fluid of
light and of heat existing everywhere in the
Universe, the
heat. But there is a specific amount of heat
and of light existing in each body, different
from one to another, the
With J. H. Magellan (1722-1790)
Vicente Seabra defends that
every body has its own specific heat, that
portion of the absolute heat which has combined
with the other parts of the body to form it,
becoming a part of its essence. This heat is
insensible to us due to the perfect neutrality
resulting from the combination of all the parts.
Being so, it is possible to determine by
chemical analysis the specific heat of each
body. Vicente Seabra goes ahead with a Table of
specific heats for a great number of substances
and solutions taken from Kirwan´s data expressed
as decimal fractions with the specific heat of
water taken as unity
Due to its perfect neutrality with all the
components parts of a body, the specific heat is
not sensible. Adding or subtracting grains of
absolute heat to a body the total amount of
heat, the so-called mixed heat, named
after Lavoisier, it becomes sensible. It is the
Sensible Heat. If the mixed heat of a
body is greater than its specific heat, we feel
the body as warm; if the mixed heat is less than
its specific heat, we will feel it as cold. On
absorving absolute heat to states of higher
amounts than the amount of their specific heat,
the bodies become more fluid and turn to an
aeriform state at high content of mixed heat.
On the opposite, when the mixed heat
content of any body is lowered, in a colding
process,the body becomes less fluid and acquires
progressively more and more the characteristics
of a solid. In the case of sufficient increasing
of the sensible heat of a body, this can
become luminous, enough or not to emit a flame.
Thus, heat has the property of transforming
solid and liquid bodies into more elastic and
aeriform bodies. Under enough amounts of heat,
ice turns water, metals melt, etc. By absorving
heat, when the bodies become more fluids produce
cold; and when the fluids become solids produce
heat and warm the surroundings
3. Vicente Seabra´s ideas on the nature of heat
in Lavoisier´s context
During the eighteenth century, there were two
primary explanations for heat, a vibration
mechanical theory and a fluid theory. For F.
Bacon (1561-1626), R. Boyle (1627-1691), and
I.Newton (1748-1826) heat was due to the
vibrations of small particles. For E.Stahl and
the French pedagogues at the
Jardin du Roi heat was caused by an imponderable fluid, the
phlogiston, that when added to a substance would
increase its total heat. The fluid theory was
particularly useful for explaining evaporation,
fluidity, expansion, heat capacity; while the
vibration theory was thought to be better for
explaining ignition.
In the
Mémoire sur la Chaleur
in 1780, Lavoisier and Laplace, looking for a
new method of measuring the heat, just start by
considering this question: is heat a subtle
elastic fluid present everywhere in bodies
interposed among the particles and scattered all
over the whole universe, or is it the result of
insensible but continuous oscillatory motions of
the particles that enter the composition of
matter? Without being able to decide for one of
these possible causes against the other, their
opinion was that in some cases one of the two
possibe causeswill be more probable than the
other, but in another cases the opposite seemed
to be the contrary, whereas in another ones a
mixed combination of the mechanical and fluid
explanations will appear to be the most
Lavoisier´s interest and discussions on a heat
theory date from before 1777.
His concept of
forms an integral part of his chemical system
extensive treatment given to the subject in his
sur la Chaleur
in collaboration with Laplace marks all
the Lavoisier´s theory of heat and
the milestone of his caloric theory (13).
has been the main source of Vicente Seabra´s
wiritings on heat.
In this
Lavoisier and Laplace write on the concepts,
terminology and techniques for dealing with the
different kinds of heat: the
free heat, the combined
and mixed
heat, the
heat of bodies and the
heat. The first and general statement
regards the existence of a fixed substance which
allows for changes of state, namely,
condensation, exhalation, or combustion. That
substance is identified as a subtle matter, a
subtle fluid, the same fluid of lihgt and of
fire. Lavoisier was indifferent to the problems
of differentiating between heat and light.
Although the J. H. Magellan´s articles seem to
be the main source of information of Lavoisier
and Laplace´s “Mémoire
sur la Chleur”, they are virtually ignored
and never cited. The terminology they use is not
also the same (14).
For instance, they
do not refer such a fixed substance as the
heat existing in the bodies, a term that J.
H. Magellan had rejected on the grounds that the
effects of heat in this form are sensible not
latent (15).
And they
do not use the terminology
heat in the same sense as the used by
Later, treating change of state as a physical
rather than a chemical transformation, with fire
acting as a mechanical agent to separate the
particles, Lavoisier believed that specific
heats or heat capacities of substances should
related to the volume of empty space within them
consisting in the fixed quantity of heat which
produces change of state without a change of
temperature. All changes of state are caused by
the combination and release of fire; aeriform
fluids are vapours and vaporisation is a
chemical process caused by the combination of
the matter of fire
influenced by external pressure of the
atmosphere, The
particles of substances are continually acted
upon by two opposing forces, the igneous fluid
tending to separate them, and an opposing
attraction or affinity tending to draw them
together. This igneous fluid, the matter of
heat, fire and light is the
caloric. It can exist as either free,
adherent, or combined with the elementar
constituents of other substances. In fact,
strictly speaking, it can never be absolutely
free because of the mutual adherence between it
and the particles of other substances. This
matter of fire has no
weight and therefore chemists cannot use it
to account for any weight change observed in
chemical reactions (17).
However, as a form of matter, caloric must obey
the laws of common matter in general, namely,
the universal gravitation, although its weight
is too small to be detected. The combustion and
calcination processes explained by Stahl as due
to the action of
phlogiston existing in the bodies, are
due to the air which exists
in the
matter of heat
being released during
process. Instead of placing the admitted
phlogiston in the combustible, Lavoisier
explains the process by placing there the matter
of heat. Fire is not fixed in combustible
substances; it is rather contained in caloric.
As an elastic fluid, it is an igneous compound
in which the matter of fire or light forms what
he called the dissolvent and another substance
forms the base; if the base unites with a
substance for which it has a greater affinity
than it has for fire matter, the dissolvent
(fire) would be set free. This is what happens
combustion and calcination (18).
From these observations, we can say that, as a
whole, Vicente Seabra´s ideas on heat easily
incorporate in Lavoisier´s theory, with some
differences in terminology, mainly in the names
of the different kinds of heat, with Vicente
Seabra using and acknowledging Magellan´s
terminology rather than Lavoisier. Like
Lavoisier, Vicente Seabra discusses change of
state, namely in combustion and
calcination, in
terms of
the principle of fluidity and elasticity of
heat, behaving as chemical constituent in its
chemical combination with substances. However,
whereas Lavoisier strongly believed that the
cause of sensible heat was a material substance,
the caloric, Vicente Seabra never has been very
much enthusiastic with this explanation, not
favouring its existence, avoiding
a clear commitment to the concept of
heat as a
material substance, the caloric. Actually, in
the Vicente Seabra´s wiritings the term
is ignored except for a single reference to say
that it is the same as heat and
disapproving the use of new words
to refer
hypothetical situations neither demonstrated nor
yet confirmed by experiments (19).
He continued to use the term phlogiston,
following Macquer, defending that
Light and Heat are the
same thing,
we already have referred. The phlogiston as a
sui generis, differing from light, from the
elementary fire and from heat, would be
something whose existence has never been
demonstrated, a vague idea, an idea
well-grounded, appearing only as a
and sacred-anchor in the explanation of a few phenomena.
But it is not possible to consider Vicente
Seabra´s ideas on
fire, heat and light
without to consider his
ideas on combustion and calcination.
Notwithstanding his criticism on caloric as a
fluid substance, Vicente Seabra recognised that
Lavoisier´s caloric theory became the foundation
stone of the pneumatic chemistry, having its
starting point in the understanding of these
phenomena by opposing Stahl´s phlogiston theory,
with the entire refusal of phlogiston.
Following Lavoisier´s ideas, Vicente Seabra explains
combustion due to action of air in the integrant
parts of the combustible bodies when heated. It
never can occur without the intervention of air.
After having suffered such an action, the
combustible bodies become incombustibles, with a
different nature and an increase in weight. In
his criticism on the Lavoiser´s caloric theory,
Vicente Seabra compares the explanation of
combustion presented by Lavoisier and the
explanation presented for the same process by
Macquer, and concludes that both are correct,
but thaught that the explanation presented by
Lavoisier that the combustion was the
combination of oxygen with the combustible body
was not sufficiently convincing, mainly in the
cases occuring
with the development of a flame.
Consequently, for him the theory presented by
Lavorsier was not enough completed because it
did not explain all kinds of combustion.For him,
the expalanation presented by Macquer and
accepted by Fourcroy, the so-called the
pneumatic-sthalian or
intermediate theory, would be a better
theory, admitting that all the combustion
processes, including those occuring with a
sparkling discharge, as combination processes of
the oxygen existing in the air with the
combustible body and the specific heat of
the air, alone or together, with the
specific heat of the oxygen entering in the
reaction, according to the nature of the
incombustible which is formed.
Concerning the process of the animal respiration in its
relation with heat, Vicente Seabra totally
agrees with Macquer, Fourcroy, Lavoisier and
Laplace that it is a combustion process, where
one must consider the role of air with its
content in oxygen and the animal heat.
Amorim da Costa,A.M.,Primórdios
da Ciência Química em Portugal
(Instituto de Cultura e Lingua Portuguesa,
Lisboa.1984) ; Gouveia, A.J.A.,
Vicente de Seabra and the Chemical
Revolution in Portugal, Ambix
97, 1985,109; Filgueiras Carlos, A.L,
Vicente Telles, o Primeiro Quıímico Brasileiro, Quıímica Nova,
1985, 263; Carneiro, A., Diogo,M.P., Simões,
Communicating the new Chemistry in the 18th
century Portugal, Seabra´s Elementos de
Chimica , Science and Education,
671-692 .
(2) Seabra, V.C.,
Dissertação sobre a Fermentação em Geral e
suas espécies (Coimbra,
Real Impressão da Universidade, 1787)
(3) Seabra, V.C.,
Dissertação sobre o Calor
Real Impressão da Universidade, 1787)
Seabra, V.C.,
Elementos de Chimica (Coimbra, Real
Officina da Universidade de Coimbra, vol.
Idem, Vol. II, 1790
Vol. I, 1788, p.9
(7) Macquer,
Dictionaire de Chymie,
Tom. I
(Paris, Chez Lacombe, 1766) entrance
Magellan, J.H.,Essai sur
la nouvelle theorie
du feu élémentaire et de la chaleur
des corps
Londres, 1780)
Observations sur la Physique, XVII,
1781, 375-86
Seabra, V.C.,
Dissertação sobre o Calor
, loc.
cit., §24, pp. 18-20.
§§25-38, pp.20-28.
Lavoisier, A. L., and De Laplace,
Mémoire sur la Chaleur
Mémoires de l´Academie des Sciences de Paris,
1780, p.355-408.
Morris R.J. ,
Lavoisier and the caloric theory in
British J. Hist Sci. ,
,1972, 1-38; Guerlac, H.,
Lavoisier – the crucial year: the background
and origin of his first experiments on
combustion in 1772 (Ithaca, N.Y.Cornell
University Press,1961)
Robert J. Morris,
cit., p.2.
bidem, p. 13.
J. H. Magellan.
cit, p. 381.
Morris,R, J.,
A. L. and Laplace,
Reflexions sur le phlogistique pour servir
de development à la théorie de la combustion
et de la calcination
publiée en 1777” in Memoires
Acad R. Sci.,1783, pp. 505-38
(18) Morris,
loc. cit., p.7
(19) Seabra,V.
Elementos de Chimica, vol.2,
cit., §245, footnote on p.206.